
秋雅网 / 口号大全 / 植树节英文口号

1、let the earth become more young.

2、the trees for shade, little yin.

3、one more green leaves, more warm.

4、life lies in green, and hope is green.

5、sprinkle a little green, harvest a green.

6、cherish the green, cherish our common home.

7、greening the environment, beautifying life.

8、To push the green hand is the hand of the world.

9、today, sow a seed; tomorrow, harvest a green.

10、people from all round, Kibayashi Morimomo thick.

11、Land green and forestry live to make the people rich

12、want to be rich, less children a variety of trees.

13、the pursuit of green fashion, to green civilization.

14、we are planting trees and all the four seas are green.

15、accelerate afforestation and promote ecological balance

16、people love the green green, evergreen eternal earth.

17、planting trees is not only 312, but it should be 365.

18、vigorously afforestation, deforestation is prohibited.

19、the green campus is happy, the flowers bloom everywhere.

20、one world, a bodhi tree; planting a green harvest, 000.

21、willow sprout began, all adorable originated in the spring.

22、a tree of two trees three trees are the pillars of wood, keke.

23、annual tree tree shady, generation of forestation Lin Chengsen.

24、to celebrate tree planting day, and to create a famous teacher.

25、planting trees in the contemporary, well in the next generation.

26、tree planting, Hu environment; leisure flower, beautiful land.

27、water is the source of life, and the tree is the guard of water.

28、double wood forest beautiful environment, the air into Senjing miki.

29、planting trees and afforestation for the benefit of future generations.

30、afforestation, greening the earth; flowers and grass, decorate from home.

31、love me Changsha landscape city, to maintain a good ecological environment.

32、say goodbye to the hustle and bustle of the city, put into the green embrace.

33、you give a little green, I offer a little green to make green the theme of life.

34、to protect the grass green flowers to support; everyone be destroyed the green wood.

35、to create a green home, everyone is everyone's responsibility to protect trees.

36、since the hearts of green green green million, you say I say should act immediately.

37、planting trees and afforestation, in the present, the work in the thousands of years.

38、the Great Wall against foreign enemies, green the Great Wall for the benefit of mankind.

39、the protection umbrella of the earth - the forest, the loss of it brings endless disaster.

40、double wood forest dyed with green mountains and rivers, although the only child how to wind.

41、all parts of the country are planting trees, and the earth's homes are protected by everyone.

42、sow a piece of green to make the world more beautiful, and love thousands of trees to let you go with me.

43、love forest, afforestation, promote afforestation, protect the ecological environment for human survival.

44、If you planted a tree today, what do you want to do today after two years? Can you plant a tree with one thumb?

45、The trees are the guards that block the sand. If you don't want the world to become a desert, then plant it.

46、although the red green willows withstand exposed to wind and rain, but also to destroy and twigs and tender leaves.

47、the predecessors planted trees, the posterity took the cool, left the sustainable development space for the descendants.


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